How can I test the age of the woodwork/hardwood floors in my home?

There aren't any markings or brand names anywhere on my flooring, woodwork, or wainscoting, and I have no idea how to research it. It's true that the floors are a different color from the woodwork, but I'm sure it's been refinished over the years. The house is ~120 years old, so I definitely couldn't ask the original owners! 


I think my hardwood floors are original. My husband does not. Is it possible for us to settle this?

  Topic Lifestyle, Hobbies, and Leisure Subtopic Interior Design and Decorating
3 Years 0 Answers 1.6k views

Sarah C

Knowledge Areas : Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Horror, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Thrillers

Reputation Score: 656

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