My Fallout 4 keeps crashing for no apparent reason, is there any way to fix it?

I originally had 227 mods installed and 216 plugins running but after deleting some because my game wouldn't load, I now have 152 mods installed and 130 plugins running but, here's the kicker, I verified the game files twice because the game didn't still work and now it completely doesn't work anymore. I started the game but it kicks me out after 5 seconds after starting it. Is there any possible way to fix this? Oh, when I originally had this game for the first time, it was cracked and it worked with 150+ mods running and now, brand new with the newest update, it doesn't. Please help...

  Topic Games Subtopic PC/Mac Games
3 Years 0 Answers 1.7k views

Clay Arvin

Knowledge Areas : Fine Art

Reputation Score: 20

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