Doug Massey

Knowledge Areas : 401(k) 

Reputation Score: 1211

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  1. J Starr 4425 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    If you are not a Trump supporter, it is delicious affirmation you are right: The Trump machine is as liable to corruption as all of the shady, grifter reports of Trump, himself, you have heard and read. You are correct in your suspicion those who are close to and approve of Trump as President likely have the same self-centered, chip-on-their-shoulder ethics as he does, and can envision nothing so great as to be able to take advantage of any situation, no matter law or policy, for yourself. 

    It is possible Bannon's arrest will translate to some slight disillusionment for those who are not buckled in tightly on the Trump-train.  Trump supporters are curiously unlikely to take any criticism- no matter how well documented- of Trump as anything other than fake news put out to discredit their idol.  And, given the weavings of Qanon conspiracies into the Trump ethos, any findings of guilt will be swiftly absorbed into the Q-crap and explained away with yet more fantastical ideas of Trump saving the world from powerful pedophiles. But, for those on the fence, it may be enough to make them fall off and not vote for Trump-  which does NOT translate into a vote for Biden.

    Supporters will remain supporters. Wafflers may continue to waffle, and may simply not vote in the Presidential election.  Never-Trumpers will feel vindicated about their view Trump's hangers-on are all corrupt-  just like he is.

    UTC 2020-08-20 06:23 PM 3 Comments

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