John Cooper

Reputation Score: 80

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. K Grace-Lily 3000 Community Answer

    Soon. It's not going to be available for "purchase," and will have a criteria for delivery. There are limited numbers of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines now available and they are going to healthcare workers and vulnerable elderly in care facilities first. There's a priority order that has to be followed because of the limited number of vaccines available. It's healthcare workers, elderly in care, essential workers, vulnerable adults, then everybody else. Most people won't likely get a vaccine this year, just the first groups.

    There is a site tool where you could figure out where you might fall in line - I'm over 60, with a health issue, so vulnerable, and there are some 23 million people ahead of me in the US, and over 65,000 in my state, just 16,000 though in my county - and we've got a lower number of cases here than other states, so we'll be behind the states that need it more. 

    Here's the tool - you can get an idea how you might stand in priority order. It's not definitive, but just to give you an idea.



    UTC 2020-12-15 03:59 PM 1 Comment

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