What are some positive affirmations you tell yourself?

Having a series of positive messages to tell yourself can really affect how you think about things. What are some good affirmations to tell yourself, and when do you put the time aside to tell yourself them, or is it just something that you do whenever you need it?

  Topic Health Subtopic Meditation Tags meditation positive thinking mental health
4 Years 2 Answers 3.0k views

Emma Aspinall

Knowledge Areas : Global Warming, Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Snow and Water Skiing, Beach Destinations, Roadtrips

Reputation Score: 148

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. K Grace-Lily 3000 Community Answer

    For me, I suffer with anxiety, have most of my life, since a kid, and get heart pounding and worked up pretty easily. I don't use affirmations all the time, that I think could be self-defeating and might reduce the impact for when I do need it. Confidence is sometimes the hardest thing, and particularly if I've gotten overwrought. but the the one constant is reminding myself that I have this, I can do this - no matter what it is, "I can do this." is the best message you can give yourself when facing a challenge.

    Just this past week, I needed to say it multiple times during the days, when a large rodent got into the house, and I alone had to deal with him, find him, set traps for him. Holy blazes of mercy, that took more courage going seeking him out, figuring out where to set traps, and then dealing with the consequences when he got caught, and then got loose again. Armed to the teeth and with protective gear and a shovel, I went after this big guy. And as best I can tell, all my banging, screaming, traps and more, and he appears to be gone. But every time, I had to tell myself, this time in the second person - "You can do this" like a mantra. That affirmation gives me courage that the fear and anxiety often overpower - it brings me back to a position of strength, always. 

    UTC 2021-05-26 02:45 AM 0 Comments
  2. Affirmations аrе positive statements thаt саn hеlр уоu tо challenge аnd overcome self-sabotaging аnd negative thoughts. Whеn уоu repeat thеm often, аnd bеliеvе in them, уоu саn start tо make positive changes. 

    I uѕе fоllоwing positive Affirmations 

    I hаvе plenty оf creativity fоr thiѕ project. 
    Mу work will bе recognized in a positive wау bу mу boss аnd colleagues. 
    I саn dо this! 
    Mу team respects аnd values mу opinion. 
    I аm successful. 
    I аm honest in mу life, аnd mу work. 
    I likе completing tasks аnd projects оn time. 
    I'm grateful fоr thе job I have. 

    UTC 2021-04-09 01:36 PM 0 Comments

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