Does alcohol go bad after being opened?

My boyfriend and I like to drink Knob Creek whiskey. We bought a large bottle earlier this summer and had about 1/3 left in it that we hadn't drank for about a month. Tonight we had some, and it tasted a bit different than usual. The flavors were less prominent, and it jsut tasted like alcohol. Does alcohol go bad after opening a bottle? If so, what's the time period?

  Topic Food and Drink Subtopic
4 Years 2 Answers 2.9k views

Daina Grazulis

Knowledge Areas : Gardening, Cooking, Healthy Eating, General Outdoor Questions, Hiking, North America, Roadtrips, Basketball

Reputation Score: 95

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. Daina,

    Most alcohol does go bad, but depending on what it is, will assign the length of time

    Beer: Most beer goes bad in a couple of years, but some heartier types (Stout, Porter, Barleywine) can last much longer.

    White wine is rarely good still after 10 years. Most going bad in 2-4.

    Red wine is entirely up to the grape and in some way where it was grown. Most red wine is good for 5-10 years, but some last 25 or more.

    Hard Liquor:

    Most distilled liquor that does not have sugar added to it will last for a long time. Brandies can last centuries.

    Liquers that are blends of other things (Frangelica, Kahlua, Chamboard etc) will go bad after a few years.

    Hope this helps.

    UTC 2021-01-28 04:12 PM 0 Comments
  2. Daina,

    Apologies, I answered a similar question, but not your question


    Beer and Wine will go flat in a couple of days

    Hard liquor, not so much, it doesn't really change

    Cordials, Liquers and anything with a lot of sugar or other ingredients will go bad over time, less time if you don't refrigerate them .

    Sorry for the confusion.

    UTC 2021-01-28 04:17 PM 0 Comments

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