Do you make your bed every morning?

I make my bed every morning. But I know a lot of people that don’t because they see it as a waste of time. My rationale is that making your bed can help clear your bedding from accumulating dust mites and also, it makes my room look more organized which helps declutter my mind so I can focus on other things.


Do you make your bed and why or why not?

  Topic Around the House/DIY/Gardening Subtopic Organizing Tags around the house organizing making the bed
4 Years 6 Answers 3.0k views

Rose Ibrahim

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Answers ( 6 )

  1. K Grace-Lily 3000 Community Answer

    Always, every day of my adult life. It feels proper and finished, and makes for a comfier bed to climb into, feeling fresher than pulling at crumpled bedding.  I just dislike the feeling of how "used" it feels to try and go to bed in a messy bed, it just doesn't feel right - I can't not do it. 

    UTC 2020-10-13 07:48 PM 0 Comments
  2. When it comes to my daily routine, making my bed is one of the first thing I do.  If you're not used to doing it daily, you may not only forget to do it on occasion, but it sometimes feels like a hassel.  Once you have created a routine including fixing your bed, you'll get used to it.  It's been proven that a person is more productive and in a happier mood when that simple little chore is complete. Plus, it's calming to look at

    UTC 2021-07-01 08:04 PM 0 Comments
  3. Well, hell, I guess I'll be the person who owns up to not doing this.  My wife and I have VERY different sleep schedules pretty much all the time, and so the bed gets made about 40% of days (first thing, when the one who gets up last does it).  

    We were more dilligent about it when we had a cat that liked to get on the sheets, but sadly they are no longer with us and so now it just seems less important.  

    The bed almost always gets the covers pulled back up at some point by someone - but since neither of us are religious about it, maybe 20% of the time its bedtime and lo, messy bed.  Don't @ me.  :D 

    UTC 2021-07-03 03:48 AM 0 Comments
  4. I do. For many years I didn't, but now I realize it is a mental thing. Helps me feel more in control of my life and my day. Similarly, I make sure the kitchen is clean and the kitchen sink is empty before I go to bed at night.

    UTC 2020-10-13 06:47 PM 0 Comments
  5. J Starr 4425

    Of course.  Studies show people sleep better in a bed which was made-  sounds odd, but there it is.  Also, there's the advice given by Admiral William McRaven to the graduating class of the University of Texas-Austin in 2014  ( ) saying that making your bed every morning is the easiest way for you to make sure you do- you finish- one thing each and every day. 

    And then there's the shade of my Mother.  She would haunt me if she discovered I hadn't made my bed....

    UTC 2020-10-13 09:47 PM 2 Comments
  6. Of course, I do. I drape the covers over my bed when I get up and tuck them in when I'm ready for bed. 

    I feel a lot better when my bed is made; an unmade bed is a mess, after all!

    UTC 2020-10-27 12:28 AM 0 Comments

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