Nicholas G

Knowledge Areas : Post Production, Choosing a Career, Mentoring, Building a Website, Computer Programming, Mac O/S, Classical, Learning an Instrument, Rock, Teaching

Reputation Score: 310

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Christopher Martin 1834 Community Answer

    Infidelity is in the eye of the beholder, and every relationship is different. Are you dating exclusively? Is your date in the club at the same time? Would you consider it cheating if the person you were dating was on the dance floor with someone else? Have you talked with the person you are dating about expectations?   Also, there are plenty of different cultural contexts that make a general answer less than useful - in some cultures, dancing with people  you aren't in a relationship with isn't a big deal, in others, it is definitely considered wrong.

    A good question to ask yourself in these situations is "how would my partner react if I told them about what I want to do the next time I saw them?"  If you think they would be fine with it, then check in advance to be sure!  If you think they wouldn't be happy, that's a great sign that you can't do something and be faithful to your partner.

    In the "partner dancing" community, (ballroom, latin, swing, tango, etc.) there is an expectation that people will dance with other partners besides the one who they are in a relationship, but even then there are couples who decide that they only want to dance with each other.  Others are happy for the variety you get when dancing with other people.  The key, I think, is to make sure you and your partner communicate and are comfortable with whatever choices you agree on!

    UTC 2020-10-08 02:09 AM 0 Comments

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