Is it worth seeing a therapist for anxiety that seems to stem from traveling?

About 4 years ago I went on a business trip to the UK. It was my first time leaving the USA and it was also a new job in a new career. When I got to the UK I started feeling more and more anxious until I finally had a full on panic attack. It was the worst feeling I have ver had in my life. I thought I was going to die, my heart was racing, my stomach was so tight that I couldn't eat for nearly the entire duration of the trip, I was shiverring, vomiting, etc. It was really bad. At the time I did not know what hit me. 


I then came home and experienced it again at a wedding while I was only an audience member. Them I experienced it again before a trip to Florida, even though I had been going to this resort since my childhood. Then, this year, my fiancé and I went to Iceland right before COVID-19 got really bad and I had another very bad panic attack. I ruined the entire trip and I feel horrible about it. Also, every so often I get a random sense of low level anxiety for no particular reason.


The crazy thing is that I never had anxiety before that initlal trip to the UK. I don't really know what triggered it but since then, it has taken hold of the decisions I make in regards to going on trips. I don't have the anxiety when I am on the plane. I am usually very calm on the plane and mostly fine in the airport.


So, is it worth it to talk to a therapist about this? If so, what should I expect the therapist to do other than just talk to me about the issue which I already do with my friends and family. I luckily have very supoportive people in my life but I want to end this anxiety, move on with my life, and enjoy traveling.


  Topic Psychology and Mental Health Subtopic Managing Anxiety Tags anxiety panic attack anxiety attack psychology travel anxiety
3 Years 0 Answers 1.7k views

Nicholas G

Knowledge Areas : Post Production, Choosing a Career, Mentoring, Building a Website, Computer Programming, Mac O/S, Classical, Learning an Instrument, Rock, Teaching

Reputation Score: 310

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