Recommendations for camera for food blog?

I have been planning to start a food blog. I am a professional writer and a great cook, IMO. I am mostly interested in doing this as a hobby, to share my love of food and cooking with likeminded people. But I certainly wouldn't mind if it turned into a money-making venture. My problem is I don't have a digital camera, and my phone takes horrible photos. I don't have a lot of money to put toward this, and I know one can spend a lot of money on camera equipment. Can you recommend a relatively inexpensive camera and associated equipment (mostly lighting, and extra lenses, I think) that could get me started with pictures that will make you want to lick the screen for ~$1,000 or less?

  Topic Social Media Subtopic Content Curation
3 Years 0 Answers 1.6k views

Jennifer Franklin

Knowledge Areas : Becoming a Writer, Organizing, Donation-based Crowdfunding, Copy Editing, DIY Projects

Reputation Score: 170

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