Donna Verteramo

Reputation Score: 20

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Jennifer Franklin 170 Accepted Answer

    I love this question! Personally, I think you should assign seats. People who like to attend events with a mix of guests want to meet others and exchange points of view. And with your "salon" idea in mind, this will bring a richer experience to you and your guests. I think it is only human nature to want to hang out with the people who are familiar, even for extroverts, but especially for those who are introverts. With a thoughtfully curated guest list, you can seat people near each other and perhaps do some sort of "ice breaker" activity. Later, at half time, between courses, or etc., you can let them mix it up or return to the people they came with, but this way they will have made a new friend or two during the event.

    UTC 2020-10-05 06:06 PM 0 Comments

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