What do I say to people who don't believe in climate change?

It's always an awkward exchange when you encounter someone, especially a relative, that doesn't believe in climate change. As an avid SCUBA diver, I have seen first hand the effect of even just a few years of higher ocean temperatues on a reef system. There are countless books, documentaries, full length movies and podcasts all on the topic, and yet when I am confronted by a "disbeliever", I don't quite know what to say. How can I help explain the situation without coming off as condescending, or totally losing my own cool?

  Topic Climate Subtopic Tags climate change realtive relationships
3 Years 0 Answers 1.7k views

Emma Aspinall

Knowledge Areas : Global Warming, Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Snow and Water Skiing, Beach Destinations, Roadtrips

Reputation Score: 148

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