Knowledge Areas : Self-Employment/Sole Proprietors

Reputation Score: 40

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. I am about to give you the most important advice of your life - you will hate it. 

    It's not about what you know - it's about who you know. 

    So the first thing to do is get editing experience. Ask friends, volunteer for a local free paper, something. Learn how to edit by editing. to people in the industry you want to be in. Start at the bottom with a magazine, a paper, a small local publisher. Talk to more folks in the industry. Then as you get better, more contacts, you'll build up a reputation as a person who is with the money and makes the deadlines. You keep hustling until you get a job with that magazine. And you will get that job by knowing they are looking for someone, because you have contacts in the industry and a reputation for being good. You'll never, ever, ever get that job by taking courses and applying. To be a top-level editor you will have to be a known quantity and have friends and colleagues who recommend you.



    UTC 2022-05-16 03:13 PM 0 Comments

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