What are some techniques to convince older parents to visit the doctor?

My dad is in his mid-60’s and it is difficult to get him to go to the doctor. The main reason is he only has Medicare A, which covers emergency care but not preventative care such as annual physical exams. This means he would have to pay out-of-pocket. The cost is the primary roadblock. We have offered to pay for him, but he rejects using our money. Secondarily, he is now afraid he will contract COVID-19 if he goes to get his physical completed, further preventing him from going to a doctor’s office or hospital.


What advice do you have to convince him to go to the doctor?

  Topic Relationships Subtopic Family Tags doctor health parents stubborn persuasion
3 Years 0 Answers 1.6k views

Rose Ibrahim

Knowledge Areas : Organizing, Choosing a Career, Copy Editing, Developmental Editing, Proofreading, Latin, Healthy Eating, Restaurants, Amazon, Customer Reviews/Feedback, Growing your Savings, Personal Credit/Credit Report, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Netflix, Copywriting

Reputation Score: 96

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