Josh Brown

Knowledge Areas : HTML (Internet marketing), Mac O/S, Windows O/S, console games

Reputation Score: 25

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Erica Friedman 424 Community Answer

    Quite a lot of large corporations are LGBTQ friendly, in fact. Bearing in mind that very large corporations are often extremely diverse and located in multiple cities, every Fortune 500 company I have ever worked in was completely fine with sexual and gender minorities - and most of them had LGBTQ networking groups within the company.

    The HRC creates a Corporate Equality Index every year tracking which companies are best at creating welcoming and supportive environments for LGBTQ employees. That seems like a good place to start. Also  Equaldex breaks down LGBTQ rights in locations around the world. It wouldn't be great to get a job with a company that had welcoming policies and be stuck in a state with no employee protections and a transphobic boss.

    UTC 2021-07-31 05:47 AM 0 Comments

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