Ileana Diaz

Reputation Score: 90

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. K Grace-Lily 3000 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    The difference in the helmets is coverage of the head.  A bicycle helmet may have less coverage of the back of the head, the styles tend to be shorter, covering more the upper part and front of head. If your skateboard helmet has a lower back coverage over the back of the head, then it's fine to use. And it's somewhat fine to use in the meantime, but if it doesn't protect the back of your head, I'd wait and get a proper helmet.

    Bicycle helmets are designed for protection for one big impact, where skateboard helmets are designed for multiple impacts. The skateboard helmet is softer inside. So, the bike helmet could be suitable for skateboarding, but the skateboard helmet is not suitable for bike riding. 

    Some resources for further information -

    UTC 2020-08-29 04:52 PM 0 Comments

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