Approximately how much cash do you need to run a successful campaign for state legislature or state senate?

I've noticed that the requirements to become a state senator or representative are much less than on the national scale. I know a national campaign costs an immense amount of money and that is why those seeking office need party backing. Is there anyway to create a local state campaign with a very, very small budget? How much money is really needed?

  Topic Politics Subtopic Running for Office Tags state senate campaign budget
3 Years 2 Answers 2.5k views

Nemo Ignotus

Reputation Score: 90

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. Jess H. Brewer 1718 Community Answer

    In a civilized country, none.  That's what's wrong with the USA, in a nutshell.

    UTC 2020-08-28 09:01 PM 4 Comments
  2. That is a very variable question. 

    What state? How big is your district? I.e., a Vermont Senate single-member District has about 21k people.  A California Senate District has about 931k.

    What towns / cities are contained in the district? Are they walkable? Do you expect a contested race? Is it normal to use TV / Radio / other media in that district?  Do you have a volunteer core ready to call / door knock / write postcards for you?  Or will you be hiring staff / contracting that out?

    When setting a fundraising target for such a race, I would consider the following expenses:

    • TV / Radio advertising
    • Online Advertising
    • Direct Mail
    • Field (phonebanking, texting and door knocking)
    • Lawn signs

    All of those are a function of the size of the district.  Some of these are more or less important depending on the size of the race. For example, in a district of 15k: you need lawn signs or you won't seem serious.  Whereas, in a big city district of 200k people: if you're not on the air you won't seem serious, and the lawn signs are an afterthought.

    Best bet: look at the previous campaign finance reports of your opponents and/or of a contested race nearby.  That should give you an idea of what your opponents are spending.

    If you're a Democrat, please reach out directly.  I'm happy to put you in touch with some training groups that I've worked with who can help you specifically answer that question for your district.

    Brian Shelden

    Essex (VT) Town Democratic Chair
    2020 Vermont State Representative Candidate, Chitenden 8-1

    UTC 2021-05-14 02:10 AM 0 Comments

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