Does violent media make people more violent or does it give violent people more clear outlets for their violent desires? or both?

I read an article about a man who posed as the Joker from Batman for Halloween, stabbed several people, and set a small fire on the train. When things like this happen, I often wonder if the media is to blame (the Batman comics in this situation) or if the person would have found an outlet for their violent desires, regardless.

  Topic Psychology and Mental Health Subtopic Interpersonal Violence Tags violence violent media impact of media
2 Years 2 Answers 987 views

Jack Arlington

Reputation Score: 30

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. It depends, Research show that this is not true. You can only be violent with your surroundings. So if you are in a violent family, you are likely to be violent. But maybe not, as a lot of children are addicted to videogames, and if they are dragged off, they can get angry.

    UTC 2022-02-23 02:27 PM 0 Comments
  2. It depends, Research show that this is not true. You can only be violent with your surroundings. So if you are in a violent family, you are likely to be violent. But maybe not, as a lot of children are addicted to videogames, and if they are dragged off, they can get angry.

    UTC 2022-02-23 02:27 PM 0 Comments

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