Josh Brown

Reputation Score: 140

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. John G 15

    The goal of crawling is to collect as much of the data and as regularly as possible. Crawling is an automated process, and technically should be distinguished from ranking, which happens after data is collected. Well built, high traffic sites are crawled more frequently than confusingly built, obscure sites. There are two steps to really getting Google's attention, build a technically solid site, then make it popular. 

    Technically, it's web basics like providing a good "title", and "description" headers, and including meaningful "alt" tags on your pictures. This is all done in HTML. Some web browsers have built in tools to check on your site. Use "Lighthouse" to get a longer list of specific reccomendations.

    Making your site more popular for Google starts with getting links from other people. This will come with time, to accelerate it, make accounts to link to your content, and ask your friends to TweetTok about you. If you goal is to grown an audience, provide regular content updates, and work hard on regularly spinning whatever magic you're making. 

    You can also add Google services or products to your pages, that will guarentee they are aware of and collecting data from your site.

    UTC 2021-04-20 06:25 PM 0 Comments

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