Harsh Shastri

Reputation Score: 144

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. JR Ferreri 1171 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    Quite a few reviews are fake, on Amazon and other sites that sell various goods. Besides the companies hawking low quality products paying for fake good reviews, you also have the malcontents who hate a specific company and post negative reviews about products they've never tried out of sheer spite.

    FakeSpot can help you detect fake Amazon reviews as well as The Review Index and ReviewMeta. Trusted Reviews sites themselves,

    This article gives plenty of good advice for avoiding fake reviews.


    Many prople look for outside sites for reviews of a product and still run across insincere, purchased reviews. These can be sites which pay users for trying products then submitting positively slanted reviews, as well as straight up phony review sites designed to look legitimate.

    You can detect the first type of site by exploring the site, looking for links such as About Us, How This Site Works, Earn With Us, a FAQ, etc. They'll reveal somewhere that they pay for reviews.

    The other type of site is disguised to look like a neutral review site. They will post mediocre or less enthusiastic reviews of competitors, but will recommend as their top pick (while describing in glowing terms) the product they've been paid to promote. There are a lot of these, and after viewing enough of them you can develop a feeling for the phonies. You can also search for evaluations of a supposed review site. More info here:

    Spot a Fake Review Site

    Old school review companies like Consumer Reports can always be trusted.

    UTC 2020-08-18 02:08 AM 0 Comments

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