What do I need to take into consideration when selling produce at a city-wide farmer's market?

For several years we have grown and sold produce from our homestead casually to neighbors and co-workers. As a family, we would like to branch out to have a booth at one or two local farmer's markets and increase our reach. What should we be taking into consideration before selling our produce to the general public in a farmer's market setting - and are their certain permits or certifications people typically need to sell in such a setting?

  Topic Rural Life Subtopic Farming Tags farming produce food producer gardening small business
2 Years 0 Answers 1.2k views

Jessica Moore

Knowledge Areas : Farming, Small Town America, Rural Sustainability and Self Sufficiency, High School, College, Grad School, Software & Tools for Educators, Camping, Hiking, General Outdoor Questions, Toddlers, Babies, Education

Reputation Score: 190

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