Employer back to work issue

Due to COVID, I have been working from home. Now our company is saying to come back to the office. Prior to COVID I often mentioned being in a too cold office and having to wear coat and wrap in a blanket at work. I would leave with a headache every day. I have asked to continue to work from home but was told it is company policy to come in the office. Most of the people I work with are not in the office and I can do all my work from home. I now made my request to HR and waiting for a response. I just turned 65 and want to work another year but if they say I need to work in the office, what are my options? Do I continue to work at home and see if they fire me or do I just retire? Another department manager has told his employees they can continue to work from home so there seems to be a discrepancy to me about 'company policy.'

  Topic Business Subtopic Remote Work Tags Work from home Company dispute Employee dispute
2 Years 0 Answers 1.3k views

Colette Lehman

Reputation Score: 10

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