What material is best to pass the CISCO 350-020 exam?

CISCO 350-020 exam material and better solution to find related questions and answers. CISCO 350-020 is a professional trainig certification exam and i want to clear in first attempt.

  Topic Education/Schooling Subtopic Professional Certifications Tags Cisco350-020 dumps 350-020exam dumps Cisco 350-020 braindumps 350-020 question and answers actual 350-020 dumps
2 Years 1 Answer 1.8k views

john adam

Reputation Score: 2

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Peter Yeargin 1298 Community Answer

    John, congratulations on pursuing a career in Cisco technology. I spent 18 years of my life working for Cisco.


    From what I can tell, the 350-020 exam is completely retired. So I would say that you shouldn't waste any time trying to find material to pass that exam as you wouldn't be able to find a place to take the exam.


    You're much better off taking the 500-210 SP Optical Technology Field Engineer exam. You can find the curriculum and course material here:




    It's current and active. You'll probably find some good value from some of the Cisco DEVnet stuff as well. This lets you learn how to program and automate the infrastructure to maximize the uptime of your Layer 1 network.


    A cert like this would be a great start for you.


    Hope that helps and feel free to ask more questions on Cisco. I'm a world of knowledge!


    UTC 2021-06-08 07:37 PM 0 Comments

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