Emily Bailey

Knowledge Areas : Becoming a Writer, Poetry, Creating Web/Digital Print, Copywriting, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Historical Fiction/Non-Fiction, Screenwriting, Choosing a Career, Getting Promoted, Global Warming, Fossil Fuels, Wildfires, Blockchain, Zoom, Cisco Webex, Google Meet, Discord

Reputation Score: 2

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  1. J Starr 4425 Community Answer

    How any one person feels about another should not be reduced to a game- a series of "...do this and then this and then this--"

    The most likeable people are interested in you; they want to be with you, know more about you, they want you to know them.  They are interested in you.  This means, if you wish to be considered likeable, you need to be interested in the other person.

    How can you show interest in someone without coming off as... desperation or game playing?

    Smile. Meet the other person's eyes. Compliment them. Ask questions about themselves.  Give them the floor by listening to them.

    Smile- a nice, relaxed, happy to be around the person smile.  Try not to giggle foolishly- it is seen more as a nervous mannerism.  Laughing is fine, but try not to bray like a horse's rear-end.

    Meet the other person's eyes.  There are many different cues we provide other humans telling them how we feel about any one thing- and one of our biggest cue-providers is our eyes.  When interested in something, pupils open a bit wider, and the only way that is going to happen is if you are looking at something which interests you. Ever heard the expression, "The eyes are the window to the soul"?  setting aside the whole soul thing, the eyes are definitely the entry to the other person's sense of identity. Meet that person's eyes.


    Compliment the person.  You don't have to think something up, you don't need to grab the person by the ego, just say something nice; ""Nice T-shirt"  "I like that color"  "I was thinking about that question you asked in class..."  "You have such richly brown eyes"  Just say something nice about them.  It is difficult to resist a compliment.

    Ask them a question about themselves.  "Was the answer the teacher gave to your question sufficient, or do you now want to know even more?"  "It sounds like you read a lot-  what is your favorite genre?" Ask a question which allows them to talk about themselves- an activity many people enjoy doing.

    Listen to them.  There's a technique called "active listening", which, if done too much gets tiresome, but if used just enough to keep each other talking, works wonderfully.  You can do worse than use it.  https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-active-listening-3024343

    So, now you have some techniques to use, but remember: Just because you are interested in him doesn't mean he must be interested in you.  There's this stuff called "chemistry", and it is based on a whole lot of mostly subtle, unconscious displays of self and emotions, and judgments each person makes all the time, which the other person appraises just as unconsciously, so that, if each person's appraisals are positive, they "like each other". 

    Good luck-  be yourself, with restraints, evince interest in him, allow him the courtesy of not just talking about yourself, and listen to him.  If you have that chemistry thing, it'll work.

    If it doesn't work with this one, there are plenty other fish in the sea- there are lots of them looking for someone just like you.

    UTC 2021-06-04 04:21 PM 0 Comments

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