Was my tree struck by lightning? (photo)

When I moved in, this tree had leaves. Now it doesn't. The bark is peeling in spots and the branches are mostly bare. We did have a derecho last year and it was pretty intense (national news) and I suffered minimal property damage... or did I? Did my tree get zapped? Or is there another reason it would look like this? It's never been lush, but I distinctly remember it not looking so sad before.


  Topic Around the House/DIY/Gardening Subtopic Gardening
2 Years 1 Answer 773 views

Sarah C

Knowledge Areas : Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Horror, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Thrillers

Reputation Score: 656

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. J Starr 4425 Community Answer

    It does not appear your tree was struck by lightning.  Lightning generally creates a burnt area, and will split limbs from the trunk- the victim tree looks as if a chunk of it- usually the top- was whacked off by something with no sense of neatness.

    It appears as if, from the photograph and your explanation, that your tree has been sick-  puny-  for some time.  I cannot begin to guess what is wrong with it, not knowing what kind of tree, where, climate, age-  but the people to ask are in every single state;  your State Extension Office.

     Extension offices are departments located in local counties and universities. These offices are run by university employees and volunteers that are experts in local crops, landscaping, soil, gardening, pests, and more.  Here is a link to help you find yours:


    Give them a call, or if you can find a link for it on your local extension office page, email them, and ask for help.  It's why they exist.

    UTC 2021-05-25 11:28 PM 0 Comments

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