Hannie Liu

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  1. Chier Hu 433 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    This is actually a question of "how to communicate with your new boss and quickly build recognition and trust between you". 
    Generally speaking, there are three things you need to do if you want to be recognized by your new boss quickly after job-hopping. 

    First thing: on your first day on the job, fully understand "his expectations for your future performance" with your new boss, and agree on "your job responsibilities and phased KPI". 
    The second thing: in the initial stage of the entry (generally recommended for the first three months), communicate with your new boss through the high-frequency review (at least once a week) and actively adjust your behavior accordingly. 
    The third thing is to build your personal influence in the workplace and use your strength + influence to prove your abilities to your new boss and the company.

    Doing these three things well can help you adapt to your new job in the short term and win the approval of your boss and the trust of your colleagues. 

    1. First thing-expectation: is fully aware of your new boss's expectations of your future job performance. 

    1) clear KPI. 
    On your first day (or at least a week), be sure to work with your new boss to set "next goals and KPI", that is, to quantify "what he expects you to do clearly." 
    Here I strongly recommend that "when you formulate KPI, you must use the SMART principle."
    At the end of the conversation, you can thank your boss with a thank-you email and attach the KPI file to form a written record.

    2) understand the story behind KPI. 
    Sometimes it's not enough to be clear about KPI; you also need to know "why there is such a KPI". 
    At this point, a question can help you learn more about the background behind KPI. 
    You can ask your new boss, "what do you think is the biggest challenge in our current business?" 
    What do you want me to do? 
    By asking this question, you can link your KPI to the company's business direction, and your direction will be more explicit in your future work. 
    Beginning with the end, this is always the golden rule in the workplace.

    3) exchange each other's work habits. 
    This seemingly optional little detail can help you keep pace with your new boss in your future work. 
    If your new boss is an early riser, you can schedule your meetings in the morning, which should be his "most energetic prime time". 
    If your new boss is used to dealing with problems on the phone or WhatsApp, you shouldn't use email all the time. 
    You can also share your work habits with your new boss to help him get to know you better. 
    For example, I often tell my new boss on my first day on the job, "for the sake of efficiency and focus, I'm used to checking emails regularly every day instead of replying at any time. If you have an emergency, you can call me at any time. "
    This "advance notice" communication habit will save a lot of follow-up communication costs between you.

    Second, reviews regularly. 

    After learning about "what your new boss expects of you", it's also important to reach the latest KPI, regular review on time. 
    When reviewing, we should pay attention to a few things: 
    1) take the initiative to make an appointment with your boss and send your review file in advance, which is a professional work habit. 
    It is recommended at least once a week for the first three months, preferably face-to-face, video and teleconference. 
    But it's best not to use emails and text messages, because instant two-way communication is more efficient. 
    If you really can't make an appointment for "immediate two-way communication", you can also report your work by email and other forms. 
    All in all, we need to let the boss know "what are we doing" in time and give him full feedback and advice.

    2) I suggest you make a self-summary before going to ask your boss for feedback. 
    Compared with the KPI, which communicated with your boss at the time of entry, find out "what I have done well" and "areas that need to be improved", and record them. 
    When summarizing yourself, be sure to keep in mind the principle of "situational feedback"-- that is, to say explicitly: "what I have done, what the result is, what is it impact on the company and others, and what kind of personality traits and ability advantages I show." 
    The advantage of this is that you can compare the feedback from your new boss during the feedback conversation and take the opportunity to make a good review of your work at this stage. 
    Your good retrospective habits will also help you build a "good image of being serious, good at learning and reflecting" to your new boss.

    3) you should report your work or ask for advice with your boss with your own thoughts. 
    Don't ask, "Boss, what am I supposed to do with this?" But "Boss, this is what I think about this problem…Here's what I'm going to do…Do you have any suggestions? " 
    Normal bosses like "newcomers who take the initiative to work, are willing to think, and ask for advice modestly".

    4) avoid a thinking misunderstanding --I must hole up and make some achievements then show them to my boss. 
    In fact, in your first few months on the job, an experienced new boss needs to know more about your work attitude, workability and learning ability, and personality. 
    These things are in the process of continually communicating with the boss, so that the boss can understand better. 
    Also, you will have a better understanding of your boss's needs and get more information, resources and advice, so "you have done a good job" must be natural. 
    Therefore, we must turn passivity into initiative, and actively report your work progress to the boss regularly in writing, orally, formally and informally, and ask for them advice modestly.

    Third, impact: builds your personal influence. 

    Good wine needs bush; in the workplace, you also need to build their own personal brand and influence. Sell yourself!
    Especially when you have just arrived at a new job, "how to let others see and identify with your core competencies" is important.

    1) you can make use of the opportunity of regular review to report the results of your periodic work, while nourishing all things to show your ability advantages. 
    You can share with your boss how you achieve a result, including how you think (the ability to think) and how to do it (the ability to solve problems, the ability to work as a team, etc.), and what you have learned in this matter. How you are going to apply them to your future work (learning ability). 
    Even if you fail, you can share with your boss what you have learned from the failure (ability to learn from failure, high resilience, etc.).

    2) take advantage of various work meetings to show your strengths. 
    For example, before the report, prepare your PPT, several times in advance and practice your work report succinctly and emotionally, making your boss like you. 
    Know in advance your boss's core pain points and challenges at work, and be well prepared before the meeting. If your point of view in the meeting can brighten your boss's eyes, or help your boss in time, your performance will naturally be enhanced.

    3) Don't ignore the word-of-mouth effect in the workplace. 
    The boss is usually busy, especially the boss with a high position is busier and doesn't spend so much time with you. 
    But you can make your performance visible to your boss by building your own reputation in the workplace, which is often more convincing than you say. 
    To "build your own reputation in the workplace" is to capture the critical influencers around the boss (such as the boss's secretary, the crucial colleagues in the team who have a say with the boss, the boss of other teams, etc.). 
    Let them see what you can do and tell your boss. Then your boss will be impressed by the public praise about you.

    4) prove yourself with facts and strength. 
    In the short term, focus on completing "the most important item in your KPI that your new boss values" (usually related to solving the company's business challenges and directly linked to your new boss's KPI). 
    If the project is large, you can make a "phased advance". 
    All in all, you need to prove with facts and abilities that you are qualified for your current job.

    If you want to be recognized by your new boss quickly after job-hopping, there are three things to do after joining the job: 
    First, get your new boss to agree on your expectations, including KPI. 
    The second thing is to maintain timely and efficient communication with the new boss through periodic reviews. 
    Third, build your personal influence in the workplace and prove yourself with facts, abilities, and word-of-mouth. 

    Remember, use "ability + strength + influence" to impress your new boss as soon as possible. 
    Finally, I wish you success in job-hopping, come to the fore in your new job, and all go well! 

    My answer is not only applicable to newcomers to a new company, but for many old employees, if you do an excellent job in these three points, it can also help you make your career more accessible and better.

    UTC 2020-08-12 04:21 AM 0 Comments

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