How do I know if I'm depressed or just lazy?

How do I know if I'm depressed or just lazy? E.g., lately I never put away any laundry. I leave it in the basket and pile the dirty laundry on the floor. I usually just don't have the energy or motivation to fold them, so I don't bother. Similarly, lately I've been taking naps during the day when I'm not tired, just because I don't want to be awake. How do I tell if these are the result of laziness or depression?

  Topic Psychology and Mental Health Subtopic Depression Help
3 Years 1 Answer 1.8k views

Emma Pollock

Reputation Score: 256

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. SMS 145 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    Disclaimer - would definitely speak to your primary care physician regarding your symptoms as a self-evaluation can miss important clues that may affect your well-being.

    As a budding physician back in the day, we were taught in medical school to screen for major depressive disorder with the SIG E CAPS tool (see below):

    Sleep - increased or decreased

    Interest - decreased


    Energy - decreased or fatigued

    Concentration/difficulty making decisions

    Appetite and/or weight increase or decrease

    Psychomotor activity - increased or decreased

    Suicidal ideation

    A "positive" screen requires experiencing 5 of these criteria daily for 2 weeks or more. 

    Whether you screen positive or not, your symptoms seem to be having a negative effect on your life and should be further examined by a licensed medical professional.

    UTC 2021-04-06 02:38 PM 0 Comments

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