What are the best things to do when transporting a Betta fish in the car to minimize traumatizing them?

I have had an adorable male Veiltail Betta fish for just under two months. In May, I am moving to a new apartment and will need to transport him by car for about a 45-minute drive. Is there anything I can do to make the journey easier for him? E.g., is a smaller or larger container better to put him in for the drive? Is a bag or a cup better? Should I feed him or fast him before the drive? Is it better if I have someone to hold him in his container or should I put him in a secure spot on the floor? Any other things I should know? I know that stress is really bad for Bettas and I want to avoid scaring him as much as possible.

  Topic Pets Subtopic Small Miscellaneous Pets
3 Years 0 Answers 1.6k views

Emma Pollock

Reputation Score: 256

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