I'm moving some of my blog content to a brand new domain. Can I simply post the same exact content on my new site?

Will the search engine gods be mad? It's probably going to hurt my established blog following if I just fall off the map and without content, my new blog is going to go nowhere fast. Can I just repost the same stuff, but link it to my old site with a "previously published on" disclaimer? My old site is kind of an all-purpose thing that includes hobbies and work, but my new site is more specialized. I do want to separate them eventually.

  Topic SEO Subtopic SEO Violations and Penalties Tags blogging
3 Years 1 Answer 1.9k views

Brian Breznik

Reputation Score: 50

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Peter Yeargin 1298 Community Answer

    You definitely can NOT do this and maintain your search results within the search engines. Each of the major ones, Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, all have a link to notify them of a domain change or website move.

    If you plan to move your website, or have, let the search engines know about it and they can move your SEO information over so it stays active and maintains its rankings.

    Here is the link to Google's SEO domain move request.


    I'd also recommend reading a guide like this one from Moz to understand more comprehensively how this all works:


    Hope that helps!


    UTC 2021-03-24 06:53 PM 2 Comments

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