Are raccoons harmful?

I've noticed a healthy raccoon population in my neighborhood. They're not in my house or eating my trash, so I haven't worried, but I wonder if they could be causing a different problem. Are they harming the bird population or spreading disease? Do raccoons cause property damage? They don't bite or even appear in the daytime, so I'm not worried about encountering them outside, but I'd hate for my dog to find raccoon leftovers and become sick.

3 Years 2 Answers 907 views

Sarah C

Knowledge Areas : Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Horror, Literary Fiction, Magical Realism, Thrillers

Reputation Score: 656

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. Raccoons are wild animals and a raccoon who feels cornered or threatened can be dangerous if they get too close. According to the Humane Society, healthy raccoons are unlikely to pick a fight with a dog unless provoked, but dogs sometimes will chase raccoons. When cornered by a dog, a raccoon will likely fight back to defend itself, and that is when both animals can get hurt.

    Raccoons can damage your home and cost you thousands of dollars in inflated heating and cooling bills. Beyond insulation, raccoons frequently damage ventilation and electrical systems that run through attics. Without repair, these damages can lead to fire, water damage and even mold.



    UTC 2021-02-04 06:49 PM 1 Comment
  2. while generally not harmful they can be carriers of rabies and distemper so,obviously, Any raccoon that is behaving strangely or wandering around during the day should be avoided and you should consider calling an animal control officer if the animal does not go away. No matter how cute,it is important to realize that raccoons are wild animals and must never be approached because, if you try and get too close they can attack. Feeding them is a bad idea and you must keep garbage can lids on very tight because they are known to raid the garbage.

    UTC 2021-02-07 11:30 AM 0 Comments

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