Harsh Shastri

Reputation Score: 144

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Erica Friedman 424 Community Answer

    That's pretty easy.

    Are you experiencing endless waves of anonymous hatred and harassment from people afraid to put their names and faces on their work because you are not white, male, straight or some other majority requirement? Then you are being harassed by mediocre humans who have no lives who want to run you off a platform to make themselves feel powerful.

    Are you receiving or seeing communications from people who don't wish to support your business or positions because they are founded upon exploiting other humans? Then you are being "canceled" by the market you thought you believed in when you were getting away with it.

    Or are you being blocked, banned, muted and ignored? If so, you are probably one of the folks who engages in harassment and is soicked when people don;t want to be around them.

    Last, if you are posting things online and no one is replying then you just aren't saying anything anyone is interested in. You have the right to speak and other people have the right not much care.

    UTC 2021-07-14 01:55 AM 0 Comments

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