Why not get yourself free?

All you folks grumbling about the incompetence and evil of Micro$oft and the monopolistic practices of Apple, what's your excuse for not just installing Linux and getting yourself free?  I admit that I do have a Mac and use Keynote for presentations, but it has VirtualBox and runs assorted Linux distros for serious computing, and I "downgraded" back to High Sierra when they started deleting entire directory trees with the later versions.  Windoze?  Never, not even in VirtualBox!  

  Topic Computer Software & Hardware Subtopic Unix/Linux
3 Years 2 Answers 2.0k views

Jess H. Brewer

Knowledge Areas : Educational psychology, My Music

Reputation Score: 1748

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. John G 15 Community Answer

    In software, having a large userbase can create market share for you in the future. In 2013, Microsoft was on 90% of desktops (today it's 75%), so most people building desktop applications wrote them for Windows, and users who wanted those applications got Windows desktops. Operating systems are unique becuase there isn't an agreed upon standard, and what works for one doesn't work for another. This is part of why computer applications on the web are so awesome, people agreed on HTML, so you can reach everyone with one tool.

    UTC 2021-02-11 07:27 PM 1 Comment
  2. K Grace-Lily 3000 Accepted Answer

    If I had any clue how to even go there I might look at it. Considered it once, it's interesting. I'm a little more savvy than average, have used computers since the early 80s, but I'm not tech savvy enough to keep abreast. It's easier to stay current when you're using it every day, like at a job - the regular use is what makes it easier to understand and use.  And frankly, that's what most businesses use, Microsoft, what all pc computers come equipped with, and it's kind of like asking why don't you modify your car engine and customize it. You run into trouble and it's harder to get help. It's a given, it's familiar enough, and the package is supported. We may groan and moan, but the alternative is, or seems, a lot harder. 

    UTC 2020-12-15 04:06 PM 1 Comment

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