Daina Grazulis

Knowledge Areas : Gardening, Cooking, Healthy Eating, General Outdoor Questions, Hiking, North America, Roadtrips, Basketball

Reputation Score: 95

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. Coach Kelvin 50 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    There are several tools available to help with this - some a free to use for a limited time and some are paid - as most of you will discover - The top 3 are 

    Ahref- https://ahrefs.com/

    Semrush - https://www.semrush.com/

    Sypfu- https://www.spyfu.com/

    Each of the above have their pro's & cons but they all will do the same function as helping you with performing keyword research 

    This is where the tools & research stop and your analysis & synthesis begins. The tools will provide you the basic information

    See this link for the basic information of the key SEO metrics you would be using- Ahref's SEO Metrics Definition

    However not all metrics are created equal - what you would want to evaluate is the 1st and 2nd choice keywords that you would want to  use as a final selection. These top 3 metrics would form your key analysis are listed below 

    1) Monthly Search Volume ( how many people are searching for this on a monthly basis)
    2) Cost Per Click (CPC) ( how much does it cost )
    3) Keyword Difficulty (KD) ( how difficult is it to rank for)

    Once you have obtained the above information you would need create your own analysis and rank those words based on your own algorithm that can recommend what should be your first and 2nd choice keywords - I have listed Keyword Research Analysis Tool  as an example sheet of what i created when i was researching keywords for a specific assignment. You can see the picture below on the inputs that you can easily obtain from tools like Ahref and then this tool will provide you with a ranking list of what keywords that would be best for you given those 3 key inputs - volume , bid(CPC) and difficulty 

    Hope this helps

    UTC 2020-11-09 07:52 PM 0 Comments
  2. Peter Yeargin 1298 Accepted Answer

    I personally use Ahrefs.com for my keyword research and website tracking information. It's expensive ($99/mo for lowest plan), but offers a 7-day free trial so you can really see the power it brings to the table. They also have amazing instructional videos built out to show you how to optimize and maximize your efforts for SEO and marketing with your website keywords.

    UTC 2020-11-09 02:23 PM 0 Comments

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