Sarah C

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. J Starr 4425

    Any frame for an irregular shape or size piece of art is going to have to be custom, so will be expensive unless you can do the work yourself, or you have a relative who is good at carpentry and also owes you money.

    Framing is pricey;  I am unsure why the seller is not warrantying the damage from shipping since s/he is responsible for shipping insurance, I would think.  But, here nor there right now.

    So, a very inexpensive way to mount paper-based artwork for display is to purchase acid-free (archival) foamcore(1) -  black is great- in a size which will fit plus and inch or so all around the print.  You can get a piece of foamcoare big enough and then cut it to size with a very sharp utility knife blade. You will want eyehooks and wire for a hanger also. Then have a piece of plexiglass (inexpensive and light weight) cut to the size of the foamcore-plus-an-inch-or-two-all-around.  Then get some poster-framing clips.(2)

    That's right, you're making your own custom poster frame.

    Using tiny pieces of mucilage (the stuff that holds labels to plastic bowls and such) mount the print to the foamcore being careful to make sure it is set squarely and the exposed foamcore edge is even all the way around.  Lay the plexi on top, and then place clips; usually on a big piece, three to a side and two on the ends. 

    Your big challenge will be the hanging system.  If you're using all lightweight materials for a lightweight package it will be simple: Use very good tape (Gorilla makes a good tape, but very good strapping tape will work) to place your eyehooks on the back, and then attached your hanging wire.  If the work is heavy, plan on using two picture hanging hooks on the wall to help distribute the weight.

    (1)  Archival foamcore:


    (3)   This might work, too-  I do not know how large your artwork is:

    Good luck

    UTC 2020-11-14 07:52 PM 0 Comments
  2. If you can use a frame under 40" length, then you can opt for DIY sectional frame kits. Custom doesn't always have to be expensive, even the small shops can sometimes give you a good deal if you work with them. I worked in custom framing for 10 years, in a small high quality shop, and could always find a reasonably affordable way to frame for a customer. You could also take advantage of the art and craft stores that frequently have 50 to 60% off framing - Michael's and Hobby Lobby commonly have framing deals, and that would be worth checking out.

    But for the DIY, you do have to do a little bit of work yourself, and for about $60 and under, depending on the sizes needed, you can buy a wood frame kit set, and for a metal frame kit, black, silver or gold finish, you can get a set for about $40 and under. Now, these frames are simple square gallery-type frames both, but they are easy enough to put together. If you need glazing (glass or acrylic), well, that's going to cost, but if it's just the frame, then it may be more affordable than other options. 

    Now you don't say quite how the frame was broken, but I'd want to look at the frame and see what damage and whether it may be possible to repair - you have to look at that option before spending any more money. 

    Without further details, it's hard to give more of an answer, but let's just give you a ballpark estimate. So, let's say, since you state that the frame is long - okay, you can go up to 40 inches with these kits.  From Cheap Joe's Art Stuff website, I can get one set of 40" sides of a black matte metal frame for regular price of $21.49(18.49 on sale), and just picking a number out of the air, let's say 24" for the other dimension at regular price of $15.49 (13.19 on sale). That makes $36.98 for the frame set in 2 pairs.

    Now, one other option to consider. If you find a ready-made frame long enough, you could take it to a custom frame shop and ask if they could cut it to size for you. That's not hard to do and shouldn't be pricey. You may even look for someone local who makes frames that could do it.

    Keep in mind that initially going in to a shop for an estimate, they are going to give you the most expensive option, that's how a lot of people are trained. If you go in and tell them you have minimal budget, want an estimate for the most affordable option, then you'll likely get different results. At M's for instance, they will upsell, I've watched them do it, even stepped in to some customers who I heard asking about a better price, and told them other options to use. The framers jobs there are to make money for the store, as the case with most places, so you can redirect them to affordable. 

    OR I might also suggest contacting a local arts organization, see if anyone has a framer they like to use who would be able to do the work for you at a better price. 

    There are options. Unfortunately there's not a lot of ready-made frames in odd sizes. Likely what you ordered was mass produced and deeply discounted for the framing. But you might be able to find a way around that with a little more research. 

    UTC 2020-11-22 03:26 PM 0 Comments

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