Can you buy BLM land in California? If so, do they require any special covenants in the deed?

I know that sometimes the Bureau of Land Management will sell off some of the publicly owned land, but can you make offers for areas? How would I go about this? I'm looking at a nice piece of land in California. Would there be any sort of special agreement or would it just be a normal sale? Any help or knowledge at all would helpful!

  Topic Real Estate Subtopic Commercial Real Estate Tags Bureau of Land Management California
3 Years 1 Answer 2.2k views

Nemo Ignotus

Reputation Score: 90

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. J Starr 4425 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    You will need to contact the BLM directly, to discover if the land you want is available for sale. 

    Here is the BLM FAQ on buying land:

    Good luck!


    UTC 2020-08-01 01:29 AM 0 Comments

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