Choosing the right color for my kitchen

My kitchen was covered in the most dreadful wallpaper that was totally soul sucking and dreary, but we are almost ready to repaint it! I want something that I can feel really inspired in and I have heard that the paint color can really affect your mood. My house is mostly white walled otherwise with blue in my room so matching isn’t too necessary. What color should I choose? 

  Topic Home Improvement Subtopic Painting Tags painting inspiration
3 Years 1 Answer 2.0k views

Emma Aspinall

Knowledge Areas : Global Warming, Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Snow and Water Skiing, Beach Destinations, Roadtrips

Reputation Score: 148

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Yes, paint color can really affect a mood, so thinking about your kitchen is a great idea. Most of the blues are going to be more sedate, unless you chose a bright blue. But I'm personally not so fond of blue kitchens, that color feels more like living room, bedroom or family room. Green is an interesting color but to be fair, green and food don't seem really go so well together - just thinking of food on a green plate, but if the color were light and bright, it could make a difference. There was that decade years ago when avocado green was the thing. I wouldn't go back that way again, but a nice apple or mint green could be pretty. I'm more for the colors red or yellow - we know from multiple studies over the years that red and yellow are good colors to use in restaurants - so many of them had red decor, and it still works. A rich or bright yellow can be cheerful, stimulating and energizing.

    What I would suggest though is to keep the color minimal, not go all over color, but maybe two accent walls, and mixed with white and wood tones would look wonderful.  Whatever color you do choose, keep in mind the moderation of color - do sections rather than allover color. A blend of colors is what's very appealing. 

    UTC 2020-12-10 04:23 AM 0 Comments

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