Harsh Shastri

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  1. JR Ferreri 1171 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    In the US, this consists of most types of food, so long as they are pre-prepared. Some single men and women are good cooks but don’t see the point in going through the trouble to make meals to feed a single person. Others simply don’t cook well or have an interest in it. The US is blanketed in sit down restaurants and fast food establishments.

    In the US prepackaged processed foods are popular. Frozen dinners, canned foods and boxed instant meals that may only require boiling water (such as macaroni and cheese, soups, instant mashed potatoes, etc.) are common. Prepared food offers meals that are traditional US fare as well as dishes that are (Americanized) Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Mexican, Italian, Middle Eastern and others. I’ve found French, German, Korean, Polish and Swedish prepared foods in some places I’ve lived. The larger and more diverse a city you live in, the more variety is available in prepared foods. People in the US demand variety to the point of having a bewildering amounts of choices. Having hosted foreign exchange students for 15 years from various countries, they never fail to be amazed at US bread aisles with 40 choices in addition to an entire bakery section.

    A surprising number of non-cooks rarely use their stove’s cooktop for anything if they have electric appliances such as sandwich  or quesadilla grills. A fair number have never turned on their oven unless they bake a pre-made pizza.

    Plenty of single people are entirely satisfied with nothing more than a microwave, can opener and a bread toaster.

    UTC 2020-09-07 04:12 PM 0 Comments

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