Megan Brame

Knowledge Areas : Content Marketing

Reputation Score: 103

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. J Starr 4425 Community Answer

    I have seen this done-  mostly on organic 'nanas- and it seems to work:  Use stretchy, self-sticking plastic wrap and tightly wrap the stem ends so they are pretty much air-tight. 

    Apparently, like apples and most ripening produce, ethylene gas is created by bananas and released- and ethylene causes fruits and veggies to ripen faster-  it's why you put unripe tomatoes or hard green avocados into a brown paper bag: You are trapping the ethylene gas in the bag, thus helping the fruits/veggie to ripen faster.

    But with 'nanas, we want to do the opposite: Not ripen them, but slow that ripening down some. 

    So, wrap the ends tightly in plastic wrap, not allowing ethylene to so swiftly do its stuff.

    I even found an article about it

    UTC 2020-10-19 05:22 PM 0 Comments

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