What's the benefit on non-Ethanol based gasoline?

What is the benefit of using non-Ethanol based gasoline for both cars and smaller motors (lawn equipment, etc)? 


If it does have substanital benefit for the life of the motor then - 


If one switches from Ethanol based to non-Ethanol based gasoline in their car, will there be an issue?

  Topic Automotive Subtopic Tags Non-ethanol based gasoline Motor longevity
3 Years 2 Answers 2.1k views


Knowledge Areas : General Health, Vaccines

Reputation Score: 145

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Answers ( 2 )

  1. Angelia Griffith 28 Community Answer

    Ethanol in thе tank iѕ bad fоr everything. It attracts moisture аnd will nоt kеер lоng in a storage can. It uѕеѕ mоrе energy tо produce thаt whаt iѕ returned frоm it. It increases thе cost оf grain аnd eventually аll food fоr millions оf people. 
    It hurts уоur fuel economy аnd makes аn excuse tо charge higher prices fоr ethanol free gasoline. I соuld gо оn forever аbоut thе crap аnd thе stupid asses thаt thought it wаѕ a good idea. 
    Indirectly, ethanol makes еvеn mоrе pollution. 

    UTC 2021-04-09 01:43 PM 0 Comments
  2. Angelia Griffith's answer is what the oil companies want you to believe, but there are several righteous claims: 

    1. Engines need to be designed to run on ethanol, otherwise it is certainly bad for them.
    2. Ethanol does have much lower chemical energy per unit weight than gasoline.  In fact, everything has lower chemical energy per unit weight than gasoline. 
    3. Making alcohol from grain to use as fuel is utterly insane.  In North America it takes (on average) more than a pound of fuel to grow a pound of food.  Perhaps slightly less for grain, but seriously -- this is insane.  It's done exclusively to subsidize grain farmers; perhaps that should just be done straightforwardly.  

    That being said, there are ways to make ethanol that are much more eco-friendly.  For instance, Larwence Berkeley National Laboratory got a half-billion dollar grant several decades ago to develop GMO bacteria that devour cellulose (think sawdust, dead leaves, hemp stalks,...) and turn it into ethanol, requiring only a couple of liters of ethanol fuel for every 10 liters of ethanol produced.  It works!  But when they reached the "development at scale" stage, being a National Laboratory they were required to turn it over to private industry; and the company that bought the patent has been milking the government for research grants ever since, without ever going into production.  

    Thus the marvelous efficiency of Free Enterprise saves the day again!  NOT.  

    UTC 2021-04-18 09:11 PM 0 Comments

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