How far do gun shot noises travel?

Is there a certain distance away I'd have to be from a gun being fired to not hear it? Does it change with different surroundings? Is it different depending on the type of gun?

  Topic Science Subtopic
3 Years 1 Answer 8.7k views

Daina Grazulis

Knowledge Areas : Gardening, Cooking, Healthy Eating, General Outdoor Questions, Hiking, North America, Roadtrips, Basketball

Reputation Score: 95

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. K Grace-Lily 3000 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    A handgun shot can be heard for a distance up to a mile. However, that sound may not be recognized as a gunshot. Even from a close distance many people assume the sound is a car backfire or fireworks. Someone who heard gunfire before would more easily recognize the sound within a few hundred feet.

    A rifle sound might be heard reasonably up to two miles, but a lot depends on the type of rifle and load, and the amount of vegetation, trees, the terrain, and the atmospheric conditions.  The sound does diminish over distance but a rifle report might be recognized for a much longer distance. The louder the sound of the gun, the longer the distance. 

    UTC 2020-10-28 01:57 PM 0 Comments

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