Confronting racism in your family

My parents are incredibly racist, and it stems from their parents and I’m sure their parents before them. They don’t see and understand their white privilege, but also they go more than that and make degrading comments out of ear shot. After years of confronting them I’m so tired of trying to get them to see things differently. Are there any other steps I could take before taking them out of my life 

  Topic Relationships Subtopic Family Tags Racism family confrontation
3 Years 1 Answer 2.1k views

Emma Aspinall

Knowledge Areas : Global Warming, Crafts, Making and Tinkering, Snow and Water Skiing, Beach Destinations, Roadtrips

Reputation Score: 148

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. It's difficult as unlearning behavior and beliefs have to come from wanting to change. If they don't see a reason to change, a lot of your effort will be wasted.

    When trying to give rebuttals, don't argue as this will trigger their feelings of being attacked and so they'll get defensive. Instead, try to point to specific examples in reality which counteract their racist belief. This is especially helpful if it stems from something they've witnessed or a person of a different race with whom they're friendly.

    This will be an uphill battle, and it will take time, but the more cracks in the propaganda they've succumbed created by real-life examples, the better shot you'll have.

    Good luck!

    UTC 2020-11-02 08:00 PM 0 Comments

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