How to get started in Coding?

I've been working the desk at a Barnes and Nobel for around two years now. It's okay work but I want to move into something more career based. I've always been into computers so I was thinking I might enjoy programming but I have no idea how to start. 


How can I start to learn how to code?

  Topic Career Advice Subtopic Choosing a Career
3 Years 1 Answer 1.7k views

John Cooper

Reputation Score: 80

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Answers ( 1 )

  1. Nicholas G 310 Accepted Answer Community Answer

    I did a career switch 5 years ago and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I went the Coding Bootcamp route but before then I dabbled in some online learning resources. If you don't want to go to an intensive full time bootcamp or don't have the funds/not willing to take out the loan to go to one of them, then you still have plenty of resources at your fingertips. First ask yourself if you'd want to code for web applications or if you'd want to code for computer chips (embedded software). Basically, what would you do if you already knew how to code? If your answer is something like "Build Websites", "Work at a company like Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/etc.", "Build online software", then you should go the web development route and start learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc . If your answer is something like "Build code for the computer chips that power the Mars Rover", "Write code for airplane navigation software", "Write code that organizes all of the images taken which produced the first image of the black hole", then go the computer science route and learn algorithms, data structures, and use programming languages like C, C++, C#, (Assembly - for the rovers and alike - Assembly can be really hard though, so I wouldn't start with it),etc. 

    Even with that in mind, start small. For example, if you are looking to do web applications, learn how to create simple HTML web pages. Then, the next step is to add the style so it looks nicer. Then, after that, make buttons do something when clicked by adding JavaScript. As long as you are making small progressions, that's all that matters. It's not a race to consume the most information all at once. Plus, you'll have more of a chance at failing to learn  anything at all if you try to cram too much information in all at once.

    Also, check out Udemy and search for beginner coding courses. Check out Codecademy, Coursera, edX, Khan Academy, and of course YouTube. If you want one-on-one training, you could get a tutor from an app like Wyzant and do online (or in-person) lessons.

    Whatever your goal is, there are plenty of resources out there that go from Free to Cheap to Expensive. It all depends on what works best for you.

    UTC 2020-10-21 12:25 AM 0 Comments

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